赞美诗歌谱:啊!圣善夜-Oh, Holy Night (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Placide Cappeau

作曲:Adolphe Adam

1.啊圣善夜! 众星照耀极光明, 今夜良辰,亲爱救主临尘! 世人沉沦, 全地已罪恶贯盈, 直到主来, 灵魂自觉宝珍。 困倦世人骤获希望真高兴, 因为迎接一荣耀新清晨。 恭敬崇拜! 啊!听天使唱歌声! 啊!圣善夜! 圣夜,基督降生! 啊!圣善夜! 圣夜,啊!圣善夜!

2.星光明亮,忠信領照我前程,到搖籃旁愛主心更增長; 星光引導在高天閃爍清明,東方博士前來尊主頌揚。 萬王的王在馬槽卑臥安靜,祂是我良友當受試心傷; 主施恩賜,看顧我軟弱需要。仰望我王,謙恭俯拜祂前! 仰望我王,謙恭俯拜祂前!

3.救主教我要彼此互相親愛;仁愛誡命傳福音講和平; 主碎鎖鍊因罪奴是我兄弟,靠祂聖名壓迫全被阻停。 我們高唱快樂詩歌同感謝,眾人當齊聲讚揚主聖名; 基督我主,啊,永遠頌祂聖名!至尊權榮,萬世傳揚不息! 至尊權榮,萬世傳揚不息! 至尊權榮,萬世傳揚不息!

1.O ho-ly night, the stars are bright-ly shin-ing, It is the night of the dear Sav-iour's birth; Long lay the world in sin and er-ror pin-ing, 'Till he ap-peared and the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope the wea-ry world re-joic-es, For yon-der breaks a new and glo-rious morn; Fall on your knees, Oh hear the an-gel voic-es O night di-vine O night when Christ was born. O night, di-vine O night, O night di-vine.

2.Led by the light of Faith se-rene-ly beam-ing; With glow-ing hearts by his cra-dle we stand: So, led by light of a star sweet-ly gleam-ing, Here come the wise men from O-ri-ent land, The King of Kings lay thus in low-ly man-ger, In all our tri-als born to be our friend; He knows our need, To our weak-ness no strang-er Be-hold your King Be-fore Him low-ly bend Be-hold your King Be-fore Him low-ly bend

3.Tru-ly He taught us to love one an-oth-er; His law is Love and His gos-pel is Peace; Chains shall he break, for the slave is our broth-er, And in his name all op-pres-sion shall cease, Sweet hymns of joy in grate-ful Cho-rus raise we; Let all with-in us praise his Ho-ly name Christ is the Lord, O praise His name for-ev-er His pow'r and glo-ry, ev-er-more pro-claim His pow'r and glo-ry, ev-er-more pro-claim His pow'r and glo-ry, ev-er-more pro-claim