赞美诗歌谱:爱主的人齐来-Come, We That Love the Lord (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Isaac Watts, 1674-1748

作曲:Aaron Williams, 1731-1776

1.爱主的人齐来, 欢乐环绕宝座; 齐心歌唱声调和谐, 诗音琴韵交作。

2.不认识主的人, 自然无心歌唱; 但是上主所选子民, 必将喜乐传扬。

3.未到天上良田, 未走黄金街道; 郇山已结百果新鲜, 其味甘甜佳妙。

4.故当欢欣颂称, 将眼泪尽抹干; 经由以马内利路程, 达到美丽天乡。

1.Come, we that love the Lord, and let our joys be known, join in a song with sweet accord, and thus sur round the throne.

2.Let those refuse to sing who never knew our God; but children of the heavenly King may speak their joys abroad.

4.Then let our songs a bound, and every tear be dry; we're marching through Emmanuel's ground to fairer worlds on high.