作曲:Paul Deming
從太陽出來之地,直到日落處的那邊,主的名當受讚美。 從太陽出來之地,直到日落處的那邊,主的名當讚美的。 讚美主名,神的仆人都当讚美祂,讚美主的聖名。 讚美主聖名,從今時直到永遠,讚美主的聖名。
From the ris-ing of the sun To the go-ing down of the same, The Lord's Name is to be praised. From the ris-ing of the sun to the go-ing down of the same. The Lord's Name is to be praised. Praise ye the Lord Praise Him all ye ser-vants of the Lord Praise the Name of the Lord Bless-ed be the Name of the Lord. From this time forth and for-ev-er more