作词:William Fiske Sherwin, 1869
作曲:William Fiske Sherwin, 1869
1.大呼战争号,看仇敌已近, 高举我基督得胜旗, 穿全副军装,威武立敌前, 靠主圣言必定奏凯旋。 精兵!兴起!群聚在旌旗下, 预备前进,将此令传开! 向前!向前!高声唱“和散那”! 基督为此雄师之元帅!
2.大家向前进,勇敢战仇敌, 正义显明必操胜算, 盾甲与旌旗,照耀在光中, 为主真理而战必不败。
3.万军之上帝,听我之呼求, 丰富之恩典够我用, 战争过去后,高声唱凯歌, 头戴冠冕荣耀站主前。
1.Sound the bat-tle cry See, the foe is nigh, Raise the Stan-dard high For the Lord. Gird your ar-mour on; Stand firm ev-ery one; Rest your cause up-on His ho-ly word. Rouse, then, sol-diers, ral-ly round the ban-ner Read-y, stead-y, pass the word a-long; On-ward, for-ward, shout a-loud ho-san-na Christ is cap-tain of the might-y throng.
2.Strong to meet the foe, March-ing on we go, While our cause we know Must pre--vail. Shield and ban-ner bright, Gleam-ing in the light, Bat-tling for the right, We ne’er can fail.
3.O thou God of all, Hear us when we call, Help us one and all By thy grace When the bat-tle’s done, And the vic-t'ry's won, May we wear the crown Be-fore thy face.