作词:Eliza E. Hewitt (1898)
作曲:J. G. (Emily) Wilson
1.讚美耶穌奇妙恩典,昔日今日永不變, 主已升天返回明宮,預備我家在那邊。 當我們回到天家,那日期真歡喜極大福氣, 當我們見耶穌,我們要常歌頌讚美。
2.信徒在世雖多試煉,黑雲常常遮滿天, 等我走完今世路程,嘆息愁苦不再見。
3.今世事主務要忠誠,常常謹慎我行程, 撇下世務高舉耶穌,但願榮耀歸主名。
4.向著標竿努力前進,不久抵達榮耀城, 進入珠門行在金街,樂聞天使金琴聲。
1.Sing the won-drous love of Je-sus, Sing His mer--cy and His grace; In the man-sions bright and bless-ed He'll pre-pare for us a place. When we all get to heav-en, what a day of re-joic-ing that will be When we all see Je-sus, we'll sing and shout the vic-to-ry
2.While we walk the pil--grim path-way Clouds will o--ver--spread the sky; But when trav-'ling days are o-ver Not a shad-ow, not a sigh.
3.Let us then be true and faith-ful, Trust-ing, serv--ing ev-'ry day; Just one glimpse of Him in glo-ry Will the toils of life re-pay.
4.On-ward to the prize be--fore us Soon His beau--ty we'll be-hold; Soon the pearl-y gates will o-pen We shall tread the streets of gold.
When we all get to heav-en, what a day of re-joic-ing that will be When we all see Je-sus, we'll sing and shout, and shout the vic-to-ry
當我們回到天家,那日期真歡喜極大福氣, 當我們見耶穌,我們要常歌,常歌頌讚美。