作词:John Henry Hopkins Jr.
作曲:John Henry Hopkins Jr.
1.東方博士朝見救主,千里跋涉奉獻供物, 越過荒山,跨過溪澗,景星帶領旅途。 哦,照徹黑夜燦爛星,光輝晶瑩君王星, 指向西方,不斷發光,領我進入光明中。
2.恭敬獻上黃金冠冕,君王生在猶太平原, 降臨世上,永為君王,在天下永掌權。
3.恭敬獻上乳香敬拜,歡慶真神降尊而來, 萬人讚美,禱告不息,頌祂配受擁戴。
4.恭獻沒藥,預表痛苦,陰晦暗淡籠罩我主, 歎息、悲傷,流血身亡,葬於冷酷的墓。
5.祂已復活,獲得尊位,君王、真神,贖罪的祭! 哈利路亞!哈利路亞!頌歌響徹天地!
1.We three kings of O-ri-ent are, Bear-ing gifts we tra-verse a-far, Field and foun-tain, more and moun--tain, Fol-lo-wing yon-der star. O Star of Won-der, Star of Night, Star with roy-al beau-ty bright, West-ward lead-ing, still pro-ceed-ing, Guide us to thy per-fect light.
2.Born a king on Beth-le-hem plain, Gold I bring to crown him a-gain, King for-e-ver, ceas-ing ne--ver O-ver us all to rein.
3.Frank-in-cense to of-fer have I, In-cense owns a De-i-ty nigh; Prayer and prais-ing all men rais--ing, Wor-ship him, God on high.
4.Myrrh is mine, its bit-ter per-fume Breathes a life of ga-the-ring gloom; Sorr'-wing, sigh-ing, bleed-ing, dy--ing, Sealed in the stone cold tomb.
5.Glo-rious now be-hold him a-rise, King, and God, and sac--ri-fice. Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu--ia, sounds through the earth and skies.