赞美诗歌谱:父啊,久在创世之前-Father, Long before Creation (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Francis P. Jones(译)

作曲:John Hughes

1.父啊,久在创世之前, 你选我们,爱无限 这爱甘美,激励,深厚, 吸引我们亲耶稣。 还要保守,还要保守, 我们今后永稳固, 我们今后永稳固。

2.虽然宇宙逐渐改迁, 但是我神总不变; 祂的爱心,同祂话语, 向着我们永坚定; 神的儿女,神的儿女, 我们应当赞祂名。 我们应当赞祂名。

3.神的怜悯是我诗歌, 我口所夸心所乐; 从始至终,惟有白恩, 能得我命感我心。 神爱我们!神爱我们! 连祂爱子都不吝! 连祂爱子都不吝!

4.爱的神啊,我们现在 同心歌颂你奇爱, 直到天上,远离尘嚣, 我们仍是要称扬; 但愿荣耀,但愿荣耀, 永远归神和羔羊。 永远归神和羔羊。

1.Fa-ther, long be-fore cre--a-tion, Thou hadst chos-en us in love; And that love, so deep, so mov-ing, Draws us close to Christ a-bove, And will keep us, and will keep us, Firm-ly fixed in Christ a-lone, Firm-ly fixed in Christ a-lone.

2.Though the world may change its fash-ion, Yet our God is e'er the same; His com-pas-sion and His cov'-nant Through all a-ges will re-main. God’s own chil-dren, God’s own chil-dren, Must for-ev-er praise His name, Must for-ev--er praise His name.

3.God's com-pas-sion is my sto-ry, Is my boast-ing all the day; Mer-cy free and nev--er fail-ing Moves my will, di--rects my way. God so loved us, God so loved us, That His on-ly Son He gave, That His on--ly Son He gave.

4.Lov-ing Fa-ther, now be--fore Thee We will ev-er praise Thy love; And our song will sound un--ceas-ing Till we meet Thy Son a-bove, Giv-ing glo-ry, giv-ing glo-ry, To our God and to the Lamb, To our God and to the Lamb.