赞美诗歌谱:更加甘甜-Still Sweeter Every Day (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:W.C. Martin, 19th century

作曲:C. Austin Miles, 1868-1946

一半也猜想不到,在金色海岸那边; 一半也猜想不到,在金色海岸那边; 那日,我主比以前更加美丽,更甘甜。 更加美丽,更甘甜。

The half can-not be fan-cied, on this side the gold-en shore; The half can-not be fan-cied, on this side the gold-en shore; O there He'll be still sweet-er than He ev-er was be-fore. than He ev-er was be-fore.

1.我心感觉与主耶穌每日更加亲近, 祂比黎明灿烂金色荣光更加明艳; 祂就是我所追求的一切幻想美梦, 祂一天比一天更加美丽、芬芳、甘甜。 一半也猜想不到,金色海岸那边; 那日,我主比以前更加美丽,更甘甜。

2.当我远远见主祂的荣光向我照耀, 祂比晨星更明亮,比百合花更鲜艳; 祂使我渴慕的心灵得着滋润满足, 祂一天比一天更加美丽、芬芳、甘甜。

3.我心虽有时沉重,祂却带来甘甜爱, 当我挫败而丧气,祂却拥我入祂怀; 祂如此担我重负,我心怎不将祂恋, 祂一天比一天更加美丽、芬芳、甘甜。

1.To Je-sus ev-ery day I find my heart is clos-er drawn, He's fair-er than the glo-ry of the gold and pur-ple dawn; He's all my fan-cy pic-tures in its fair-est dreams, and more, Each day He grows still sweet-er than He was the day be-fore. The half can-not be fan-cied, this side the gold-en shore; O there He'll be still sweet-er than He ev-er was be-fore.

2.His glor-y broke up-on me when I saw Him from a-far, He's fair-er than the li-ly, bright-er than the morn-ing star; He fills and sat-is-fies my long-ing spir-it o'er and o'er, Each day He grows still sweet-er than He was the day be-fore.

3.My heart is some-times hea-vy but he comes with sweet re-lief, He folds me to His bo-som when I droop with blight-ing grief; I love the Christ who all my bur-dens in His bo-dy bore, Each day He grows still sweet-er than He was the day be-fore.