作词:Charles H. Gabriel, 1905
作曲:Charles H. Gabriel, 1905
主愛何等大,主恩何等深! 主愛何等大,主恩何等深!
O how mar-vel-ous, O how won-der-ful O how mar-vel-ous, O how won-der-ful
1.拿撒勒人耶穌面前,我站立心便愕然, 希奇祂也把我愛憐,一切罪污蒙赦免。 愛何等大,恩何等深,主如此愛我罪人, 愛何等大,恩何等深,我要永遠讚主恩。
2.主為我在園中求祈,父啊願照你旨意, 並非自憐痛哭流涕,為我血汗流下地。
3.主荷重擔在那夜靜,天使看見發慈心, 從光明處毅然降臨,安慰主傷痛苦情。
4.擔當我罪並我苦愁,自己肩負不怨尤, 十字架上主流寶血,由死復活勝一切。
5.同救贖者在榮耀中,見主聖容樂無窮, 平安愉快渡此永年,高唱主恩愛無邊。
1.I stand a-mazed in the pre-sence Of Je-sus the Na-za-rene, And won-der how He could love me, A sin-ner, con-demned, un-clean. How mar-vel-ous How won-der-ful And my song shall e-ver be: How mar-vel-ous How won-der-ful Is my Sa-vior's love for me
2.For me it was in the gar-den He prayed, "Not My will, but Thine." He had no tears for His own griefs, But sweat drops of blood for mine.
3.In pi-ty an-gels be-held Him, And came from the world of light To com-fort Him in the sor-rows He bore for my soul that night.
4.He took my sins and my sor-rows, He made them His ver-y own; He bore the bur-den to Cal-v'ry, And suf-fered and died a-lone.
5.When with the ran-somed in glo-ry His face I at last shall see, 'Twill be my joy through the a-ges To sing of His love for me.