赞美诗歌谱:快乐,快乐,我们崇拜-Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Henry J. Van Dyke 1907

作曲:Ludwig van Beethoven

1.快乐,快乐,我们崇拜,荣耀上主爱之神; 心如花开,到主面前,主如旭日我欢迎。 苦意愁云恳求消化,疑惑黑影求散尽; 永恒快乐,求主赏赐,旭日光华满我心。

2.主是不断赞美中心,主造之物都欢欣; 群星天使团聚讴歌,天地反映主光明。 高山幽谷,沃野森林,草场积翠波如镜; 清歌小鸟,轻注流泉,唤起我们颂主心。

3.永远祝福,永远尊荣,永远赦免永施恩; 生之快乐,活水源头,欢乐安息海样深! 上主是父,基督是兄,爱中生活皆主民; 求教我们如何相爱,同享神圣大欢欣。

4.晨星引起伟大歌声,我众欢然来响应; 天父慈爱统治我们,兄弟友爱系人群。 我们前进,歌唱不停,奋斗不息忠勇军; 得胜生涯,凯歌声中,恳求高举万众心。

1.Joy-ful, joy-ful, we a-dore Thee, God of glo-ry, Lord of love; Hearts un-fold like flow’rs be-fore Thee, Hail Thee as the sun a-bove. Melt the clouds of sin and sad-ness; Drive the dark of doubt a-way; Giv-er of im-mor-tal glad-ness, Fill us with the light of day

2.All Thy works with joy sur-round Thee, Earth and heav’n re-flect Thy rays, Stars and an-gels sing a-round Thee, Cen-ter of un-bro-ken praise. Field and for-est, vale and moun-tain, Flow-'ry mead-ow, flash-ing sea, Sing-ing bird and flow-ing foun-tain Call us to re-joice in Thee.

3.Thou art giv-ing and for-giv-ing, Ev-er bless-ing, ev-er blest, Well-spring of the joy of liv-ing, O-cean depth of hap-py rest Thou our Fa-ther, Christ our Bro-ther, All who live in love are Thine; Teach us how to love each oth-er, Lift us to the joy di-vine.

4.Mor-tals, join the hap-py cho-rus, Which the morn-ing stars be-gan; Fa-ther love is reign-ing o’er us, Bro-ther love binds man to man. Ev-er sing-ing, march we on-ward, Vic-tors in the midst of strife, Joy-ful mu-sic leads us Sun-ward In the tri-umph song of life.