作词:Charles H.Gabriel 1856-1932
作曲:Charles H.Gabriel 1856-1932
1.从澎湃翻腾波浪中有呼声:给我光,给我光。 许多宝贵灵魂不久将沉沦,快送光,快送光。 快送光,快送福音真光,主真光,普照四方。(快送) 光永远辉煌。
2.请听马其顿呼救声何凄怆:给我光,给我光。 你肯否将自己如祭物献上?快送光,快送光。
3.我们当祈求主使救恩传遍,快送光,快送光。 基督完美生活使人人看见,快送光,快送光。
4.让我们同心努力福音救工,快送光,快送光。 收聚珍宝镶在我主冠冕上,快送光,快送光。
1.There's a call comes ring-ing o'er the rest-less wave, "Send the light Send the light" There are souls to res-cue, there are souls to save, Send the light Send the light Send the light, the bless-ed Gos-pel light; Let it shine from shore to shore (Send the) shine for-ev-er-more
2.We have heard the Mac-e-do-nian call to-day, "Send the light Send the light" And a gold-en of-f'ring at the cross we lay, Send the light Send the light
3.Let us pray that grace may ev-'ry-where a-bound, "Send the light Send the light" And a Christ-like spir-it ev-'ry-where be found, Send the light Send the light
4.Let us not grow wea-ry in the work of love, "Send the light Send the light" Let us gath-er jew-els for a crown a-bove, Send the light Send the light
给我光, 给我光, 快送光, 快送光, 快送光,快送福音真光, 主真光, 普照四方。 主真光, 永远辉煌。
快送光, 快送光,
Send the light Send the light Send the light Send the light Send the light the bless-ed Gos-pel light; Let it shine from shore to shore Let it shine for-ev-er-more