作词:Patricia Morgan
作曲:D. Bankhead
让我们来庆贺,无比大爱, 我们来庆贺。神儿子因爱我们, 舍了生命。让我们来欢呼, 主赐喜乐无人能相比, 我们欢然向你献祭,高声欢呼赞美。 让我们来欢呼,来庆贺, 欢呼来庆贺, 欢呼来庆贺大君王。 让我们来欢呼,来庆贺, 欢呼来庆贺, 欢呼来庆贺大君王。
1.Come on and cel-e-brate, His gift of love we will cel-e-brate, The Son of God who loved us and gave us life. We'll shout Your praise, O King, You give us joy no-thing else can bring, We'll give to You our of-fer-ring In cel-e-bra-tion praise. Come on and cel-e-brate cel-e-brate cel-e-brate and sing cel-e-brate and sing to the King Come on and cel-e-brate cel-e-brate cel-e-brate and sing cel-e-brate and sing to the King
2.Lift up your voice to praise The name a-bove ev'-ry o-ther name, Je-sus the Christ who saved us from sin and death. Let's bend our knees to Him, Our tongue con-fess that He's Lord in-deed, Let's give to Him our of-fe-ring in cel-e-bra-tion praise.