赞美诗歌谱:来作工-To the Work! (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Fanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915

作曲:William Howard Doane, 1832-1915

當勤勞! 當勤勞! 當勤勞! 當勤勞! 仰望! 儆醒!

Toil-ing on, Toil-ing on, Toil-ing on, Toil-ing on, and trust and pray

1.來作工!來作工!作神僕要盡忠! 要遵循主路徑!要跟隨主腳蹤! 主訓誨滋我心;主能力加我身: 作主工莫停頓!要盡力!要盡心! 當勤勞!要勤勞!當勤勞!要勤勞! 要仰望!要儆醒!等救主回來,當勤勞!

2.來作工!來作工!使飢者得飽足! 使渴者近活泉;解煩渴,得安舒! 向萬人傳好訊:“人人可白得恩!” 十字架為旌旗;全榮耀歸於神。

3.來作工!來作工!主聖工皆有分; 魔鬼權黑暗勢,不多時即消沉; 快高聲傳福音:“人人能白得恩!” 使罪人親近神;使神名得榮尊。

4.來作工!來作工!要憑藉主能力! 將蒙主賜冠冕;永穿戴主公義; 凡忠心到底者將在天親近神, 將偕同眾贖民高聲讚主救恩。

1.To the work To the work We are ser-vants of God; Let us fol-low the path that our Mas-ter has trod; With the balm of His coun-sel our strength to re-new, Let us do with our might what our hands find to do. Toil-ing on, toil-ing on, Toil-ing on, toil-ing on, Let us hope, Let us watch, and la-bor till the Master comes.

2.To the work To the work Let the hung-ry be fed; To the fount-ain of life let the wear-y be led; In the cross and its banner our glor-y shall be, While we her-ald the tid-ings, "Sal-va-tion is free"

3.To the work To the work There is la-bor for all; For the king-dom of dark-ness and er-ror shall fall; And the love of our Fa-ther ex-alt-ed shall be, In the loud swell-ing chor-us, "Sal-va-tion is free"

4.To the work To the work In the strength of the Lord, And a robe and a crown shall our la-bor re-ward, When the home of the faith-ful our dwell-ing shall be, And we shout with the ran-somed, "Sal-va-tion is free"