作词:Jennie E. Hussey (1874-1958)
作曲:William J. Kirkpatrick (1838-1921)
1.生命之主,願你作王,榮耀都歸於你, 使我莫忘你荊棘冕,領我到髑髏地。 使我莫忘客西馬尼,莫忘我主痛苦受死, 莫忘我主仁愛慈悲,領我到觸髏地。
2.請明示我你安葬墓,門徒曾悼念你, 白衣天使在外守護,當你安睡墓裡。
3.願像馬利亞清早起,帶香料獻給你, 使我看見你空墳墓,領我到觸髏地。
4.主啊,我願甘心樂意,背十架跟隨你, 我願和你分嘗苦杯,因你為我捨己。
1.King of my life, I crown thee now, thine shall the glory be; lest I forget thy thorncrowned brow, lead me to Calvary. Lest I forget Gethsemane, lest I forget thine agony, lest I forget thy love for me, lead me to Calva ry.
2.Show me the tomb where thou wast laid, tenderly mourned and wept; angels in robes of light arrayed guarded thee while thou slept.
3.Let me, like Mar-y, thru the gloom, Come with a gift to Thee; Show to me now the emp-ty tomb Lead me to Cal-va-ry.
4.May I be willing, Lord, to bear daily my cross for thee; even thy cup of grief to share, thou hast borne all for me.