赞美诗歌谱:缅想当年时方夜半-It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Edmund Sears,1849

作曲:Richard Storrs Willis,1850

1.缅想当年时方夜半,忽来荣耀歌声, 天使屈身俯向尘寰,怡然手拨金琴; 地上平安,人增友谊,天赐特殊奇恩; 当晚世界沉寂之中,静听天使歌声。

2.直到如今依旧天开,天使依旧来临; 天使依旧欢奏天乐,声彻疲乏尘瀛; 依旧欣然展开天翼,俯视愁苦群生; 万邦嘈杂群音之上,仍闻天使歌声。

3.世界万千劳苦民众,负担重压身心, 人群进化,难若登山,步步辛苦万分! 当知所望黄金时代,不久便要来临; 崎岖道上,请息片时,静听天使歌声。

4.因为岁月周行不息,世事积极前进, 黄金时代,一定来临,先知早已说明; 到时新天新地生灵,共戴和平之君, 普天之下,齐声酬应,今日天使歌声。

1.It came up-on the mid-night clear, that glo--rious song of old, from an-gels bend--ing near the earth to touch their harps of gold: "Peace on the earth, good will to men, from heav-en's all gra--cious King." The world in so--lemn still-ness lay, to hear the an--gels sing.

2.Still through the clo--ven skies they come with peace--ful wings un-furled, and still their heaven--ly mu-sic floats o'er all the wea--ry world; a-bove its sad and low-ly plains, they bend on ho--vering wing, and e-ver o'er its Ba-bel sounds the bles-sed an--gels sing.

3.And ye, be-neath life's cru-shing load, whose forms are ben--ding low, who toil a-long the climb-ing way with pain-ful steps and slow, look now for glad and gol-den hours come swift--ly on the wing. O rest be-side the wea-ry road, and hear the an--gels sing

4.For lo the days are has-tening on, by pro--phet seen of old, when with the ev--er-cir-cling years shall come the time fore-told when peace shall o--ver all the earth its an--cient splen--dors fling, and the whole world send back the song which now the an--gels sing.