作词:Mavis Ford
作曲:Mavis Ford
你是榮耀的君王,你是和平之主, 你是天地萬有主宰,惟有你聖潔公義; 天使都向你跪下,敬拜尊崇你; 因為在你有永生之道,你是主耶穌基督。 和散那歸於大衛的子孫!和散那歸於萬王之王! 願榮耀歸於至高神,耶穌是彌賽亞!
You are the King of Glo--ry, You are the Prince of Peace, You are the Lord of heav'n and earth, You are the Son of right-eous-ness; An-gels bow down be-fore You, wor-ship and a-dore, For You have the words of e-ter-nal life, You are Je-sus Christ the Lord. Ho-san-na to the Son of Da--vid Ho-san-na to the King of kings Glo-ry in the high-est heav--en for Je-sus the Mes-si-ah reigns.