作词:Charles C. Luther (1877)
作曲:George Coles Stebbins (1846-1945)
1.兩手空空歸回天家,難道這樣見主面? 從無一日為主作工,全無寶珍獻主前? 兩手空空歸回天家,何能如此見恩主? 未領一人歸向耶穌,豈可空手回天家?
2.今日離世我不懼怕,因主耶穌拯救我, 但我想到空手見主,雙眉緊鎖心難過。
3.追憶昔日光陰虛度,不能挽回悔恨遲, 我今願獻全身全心,欣然遵主旨意行。
4.願眾信徒振奮堅立,殷勤作工在白晝, 當趁黑夜尚未來臨,拯救靈魂不稍休。
1."Must I go, and emp-ty hand-ed," Thus my dear Re-deem-er meet? Not one day of serv-ice give Him, Lay no tro-phy at His feet? "Must I go, and emp-ty hand-ed?" Must I meet my Sav-ior so? Not one soul with which to greet Him, Must I emp-ty hand-ed go?
2.Not at death I shrink or fal-ter, For my Sav-ior saves me now; But to meet Him emp-ty hand-ed, Tho't of that now clouds my brow.
3.Oh, the years in sin-ning wast-ed, Could I but re-call them now, I would give them to my Sav-ior, To His will I'd glad-ly bow.
4.Oh, ye saints, a-rouse, be ear-nest, Up and work while yet 'tis day; Ere the night of death o'er-take thee, Strive for souls while still you may.