作词:Isaac Watts (1674-1748)
作曲:William Croft (1678-1727)
1.上帝是人千古保障,是人將來希望, 是人居所,抵禦風雨,是人永久家鄉。
2.在主寶座蔭庇之下,群聖一向安居; 惟賴神臂威權保護,永遠平安無慮。
3.山川尚未發現之時,星球未結之先, 遠自太初便有神在,永在無窮盡年。
4.在神眼中,億千萬年,恍若人間隔宿; 恍若初聞子夜鐘聲,轉瞬東方日出。
5.時間正似大江流水,浪淘萬象眾生, 轉瞬飛逝,恍若夢境,朝來不留餘痕。
6.上帝是人千古保障,是人將來希望, 是人居所,抵禦風雨,是人永久家鄉。
1.Our God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, our shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home.
2.Under the shadow of your throne your saints have dwelt secure; sufficient is your arm alone, and our defense is sure.
3.Before the hills in order stood, or earth received her frame, from everlasting you are God, to endless years the same.
4.A thousand ages in your sight are like an evening gone, short as the watch that ends the night before the rising sun.
5.Time, like an ever rolling stream, bears all of us away, we fly, forgotten, as a dream dies at the opening day.
6.Our God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, be now our guard while life shall last, and our eternal home.