作词:Fanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915
作曲:William J. Kirkpatrick, 1838-1921
1.Re-deemed how I love to pro-claim it Re-deemed by the blood of the Lamb; Re-deemed through His in-fi-nite mer-cy, His child, and for-ev-er, I am. Re-deemed, re-deemed, Re-deemed by the blood of the Lamb; Re-deemed, re-deemed, His child, and for-ev-er, I am.
2.Re-deemed and so ha-ppy in Je-sus, No lan-guage my rap-ture can tell; I know that the light of His pre-sence With me doth con-tin-ual-ly dwell.
3.I think of my bless-ed Re-deem-er, I think of Him all the day long; I sing, for I can-not be si-lent; His love is the theme of my song.
4.I know I shall see in His beau-ty The King in whose way I de-light; Who lov-ing-ly guard-eth my foot-steps, And give-th me songs in the night.
1.救贖的恩典我愛宣揚, 得贖全靠流血羔羊; 因神憐憫我已蒙救贖, 做神兒女恩福永享。 救贖!救贖! 得贖全靠流血羔羊, 救贖!救贖! 做神兒女恩福永享。
2.蒙救贖在主裡真喜樂, 這喜樂口舌難述說; 我深知他常與我同在, 慈愛光輝常引導我。
3.我常思念慈愛救贖主, 時刻思念日夜思念; 我禁不住要向他歌唱, 歌唱主的慈愛甘甜。
4.我深知必見他的榮美, 我喜愛我王的典章; 他親切的保守我腳步, 使我在黑夜中歌唱。