赞美诗歌谱:荣归天父歌-To God Be the Glory (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Fanny Jane Crosby

作曲:William Howard Doane

1.荣耀归于天父!他爱怜普世, 为救我们罪人赐下独生子; 主也甘心情愿为我们舍命, 敞开天上恩门,使我们得生。 赞美主!赞美主!全地当尊他名! 赞美主!赞美主!万民都当欢欣! 藉着圣子耶稣得亲近天父, 他已成功救赎,荣耀归天父!

2.父神赦罪恩典因主临我们, 凡信主的人们靠主得永生; 你虽罪恶深重,当信主耶稣, 就立时蒙赦免,永远得救赎。

3.救主已经为我成就了大事, 今日得享安乐全靠主赏赐; 直等我的眼睛得见主荣形, 那时我的福乐更无穷无尽。

1.To God be the glory, great things he has done; so loved he the world that he gave us his Son, who yielded his life an atonement for sin, and opened the lifegate that we may go in. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord; let the earth hear his voice Praise the Lord, praise the Lord; let the people rejoice O come to the Father through Jesus the Son, and give him the glory; great things he has done.

2.O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood, to every believer the promise of God; the vilest offender who truly believes, that moment from Jesus a pardon receives.

3.Great things he has taught us, great things he has done, and great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son; but purer and higher and greater will be our wonder, our gladness, when Jesus we see.