作词:James Montgomery, 1771-1854
作曲:Henry T. Smart, 1813-1879
1.荣耀天军展趐飞腾,遨游大地看世人;当年欢唱创造权能,今天报告主降生。 齐来崇拜!齐来崇拜!崇拜基督新生王。
1.An-gels from the realms of glo-ry, wing your flight through all the earth; ye who sang cre-a-tion's sto-ry now pro-claim Mes--si-ah's birth Come and wor-ship, come and wor-ship, wor-ship Christ the new-born king.
2.Shep-herds in the fields a-bid-ing, watch-ing by your flocks at night, God with us is now re-sid-ing: yon-der shines the in-fant light
3.Sa-ges, leave your con-tem-pla-tions; bright-er vi-sions beam a-far; seek the great de-sire of na-tions; ye have seen his na-tal star.
4.Saints, be-fore the al-tar bend-ing, watch-ing long in hope and fear, sud-den-ly the Lord, de-scend-ing, in his tem-ple shall ap-pear.
5.Though an in-fant now we view him, he shall fill his Fa-ther's throne, gath-er all the na-tions to him; ev-ery knee shall then bow down.