作曲:Reuben Morgan
1.軟弱的我變剛強,貧窮的我變富足, 瞎眼的我能看見,主給我行了神蹟。 和撒那,和撒那,釘死十架的羔羊, 和撒那,和撒那,耶穌祂已復活了。
2.我要渡過的那江,在此洗淨我的罪, 現在主的大慈愛,向著我湧流著。
3.在極深的江河中,主扶持我站起來, 高唱得救的樂歌,耶穌賜給我自由。
1.Let the weak say I am strong, Let the poor say I am rich. Let the blind say I can see, It'swhat the Lord hath done in me. Ho-san-na, Ho-san-na To the lamb that was slained. Ho-san-na, Ho-san-na Je-sus died and rose a-gain.
2.In the ri-ver, I will wade, There my sins are washed a-way. From the heav-ens mer-cy streams, Of the Sav-ior's love for me.
3.I will rise from wa-ters deep, In the sav-ing arms of God. I will sing sal-va-tion songs, Je-sus Christ has set me free.