赞美诗歌谱:善牧恩慈-The King of Love My Shepherd Is (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Henry W. Baker. 1821-1877

作曲:John B. Dykes, 1823-1876

1.万爱之王乃我善牧, 仁德恩慈永不移; 我若归他,不再穷乏, 他也永远是我的。

2.我灵蒙救由他导引, 来享安息活水边; 到芳草地,饱尝灵粮, 十分快乐享天筵。

3.我因愚妄屡入歧途, 他因爱我来追寻; 将我轻轻安放肩头, 欢然携我进家门。

4.我虽经过死亡幽谷, 亲爱之主在身旁; 主杖,主竿,仍安慰我, 十架引我向前方。

5.这样经过生活长途, 主德主恩永不移; 但愿长住我主家里, 虔诚颂赞无尽期。

1.The King of love my Shep-herd is, Whose good-ness fail-eth ne-ver; I noth-ing lack if I am His And He is mine for-ev-er.

2.Where streams of liv-ing wa-ter flow My ran-somed soul He lead-eth, And, where the ver-dant pas-tures grow, With food ce-les-tial feed-eth.

3.Per-verse and fool-ish oft I strayed, But yet in love He sought me, And on His shoul-der gen-tly laid, And home re-joi-cing brought me.

4.In death’s dark vale I fear no ill With Thee, dear Lord, be-side me; Thy rod and staff my com-fort still, Thy cross be-fore to guide me.

5.And so thru all the length of days Thy good-ness fail-eth nev-er; Good Shep-herd, may I sing Thy praise With in Thy house for-ev-er