作词:Elisha A. Hoffman, 1839-1929
作曲:Elisha A. Hoffman, 1839-1929
1.你渴望有平安,期望信心日坚, 曾恒心的祈求不间断; 但得不到安恬,若要福乐完满, 除非你将一切全奉献。 你所有是否作活祭献在祭坛? 是否你身心归圣灵掌管? 要得福乐甘甜,要得纯全平安, 身心,灵魂需献上祭坛!
2.你若愿与主行,在主道光明中, 得着真平安满足心衷, 必要遵行主命,恶事尽都弃摒, 并将所有向主全献呈。
3.我们若向主求,盼望上主垂顾, 甚难知主恩如何福庇, 直到将心灵体,让主亲自管理, 献在坛上不再留为己。
4.有谁能尽传讲?祂的爱广无量! 祂的爱能使我口颂扬, 与主亲密交往,主前福乐共享, 只要献一切在祭坛上。
1.You have longed for sweet peace, And for faith to in-crease, And have earn-est-ly, fer-vent-ly prayed. But you can-not have rest, Or be per-fect-ly blest, Un-til all on the al-tar is laid. Is your all on the al-tar of sac-ri-fice laid? Your heart does the Spir-it con-trol? You can on-ly be blest, And have peace and sweet rest, As you yield Him your bod-y and soul.
2.Would you walk with the Lord In the light of His Word, And have peace and con-tent-ment al-way? You must do His sweet will To be free from all ill On the al-tar your all you must lay.
3.Oh, we nev-er can know What the Lord will be-stow Of the bless-ings for which we have prayed, Till our bod-y and soul He doth ful-ly con-trol, And our all on the al-tar is laid.
4.Who can tell all the love He will send from a-bove, And how hap-py our hearts will be made, Of the fel-low-ship sweet We shall share at His feet When our all on the al-tar is laid