赞美诗歌谱:使我作你和平之子(圣法兰西斯的祷告)-Make Me a Channel of Your Peace (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:St. Francis of Assisi

作曲:Sebastian Temple

1.使我作祢和平之子,在憎恨之處播下祢的愛; 在傷痕之處播下祢寬恕;在懷疑之處播下信心。 哦主啊使我少为自己求, 少求受安慰但求安慰人, 少求被了解,但求了解人; 少求爱,但求全心付出爱。 迎接死亡時我們便進入永生。

2.使我作祢和平之子, 在絕望之處播下祢盼望; 在幽暗之處播下祢光明; 在憂愁之處播下歡愉。

3.使我作祢和平之子,在赦免時我們便蒙赦免; 在捨去時我們便有所得;【……结束句】

1.Make me a chan-nel of your peace. Where there is ha-tred, let me bring your love. Where there is in-ju-ry, your par-don, Lord, And where there's doubt, true faith in you. Oh, Mas-ter, grant that I may nev-er seek So much to be con-soled as to con-sole. To be un-der-stood as to un-der-stand. To be loved as to love with all my soul. and in dy-ing that we're born to e-ter-nal life.

2.Make me a chan-nel of your peace. Where there's de-spair in life, let me bring hope. Where there is dark-ness, on-ly light, And where there's sad-ness, ev--er joy.

3.Make me a chan-nel of your peace. It is in par-don-ing that we are par-doned, in giv-ing of our-selves that we re-ceive, 【……Ending……verse】