赞美诗歌谱:十字架的道路-The way of the Cross (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Mary E. Maxwell

作曲:Ada Rose Gibbs (1865-1905)

1.十字架的道路要犧牲, 要將一切獻於神, 將一切放在 死的祭壇上面, 火纔在這裡顯現。 這是十架道路! 你願否走這個? 你曾否背十架為你主? 你這奉獻一切給神的人! 對神你是否全貞?

2.當我們唱詩禱告時候, 何等願說"獻所有!" 但前面有更沉重的 十字架! 有更艱難的生涯!

3.你要變節; 或忠心到死, 讓一切完全損失, 直等到 永活主的豐盛生命, 天天充滿在你靈?

4.神的救法是由死得生, 你與主合為一人。 在十架你因信 已與祂同釘, 從你身活出祂命。

5.我們的得失並不要緊, 神的旨意當留心, 我們若將萬事 都看如糞土, 主纔不會受攔阻。

1.The way of the Cross means sac-ri-fice, As to God you yield your all To be laid on the al-tar, the place of death, Where fire will sure-ly fall. ’Tis the way of the Cross, are you will-ing for this? What does bear-ing the Cross mean to you? You who’ve giv-en your-self, your all to God To God are you whol-ly true?

2.As the voice of song and prayer we raise, How ea-sy to say, We give all; Till some rough-er cross lies just be-fore, And stern-er is du-ty's call.

3.Do you fal-ter then, or, true to death, Just die on the cross in the way, Till the full-ness of life from the Liv-ing One Is fill-ing you day by day?

4.'Tis the plan of life, for you die to live, One with Je-sus cru-ci-fied; With the life a-lone to be lived through you, Of the Ris-en, the Glo-ri-fied.