作词:Johnson Oatman Jr. 1897
作曲:Edwin O. Excell
Count your man-y bless-ings anme them one by one; Count your man-y bless-ings see what God hath done; Count your man-y bless-ings
主的一切恩典 样样都要数,主的一切恩典 都要记清楚,主的一切恩典
1.當你遇見苦難如同大波浪,當你憂愁喪膽幾乎要絕望, 若把主的恩典從頭數一數,必能叫你驚訝主奇妙看顧。 主的恩典,樣樣都要數,主的作為都要記清楚, 主的恩典,樣樣都要數,必能叫你驚訝主奇妙看顧。
2.當你掛念世事如同挑重擔,當你背負十架覺得苦難堪, 若數主的恩典疑惑就消除,必能叫你快樂立時讚美主。
3.每逢遭遇靈戰不論小或大,主手統治一切你不要懼怕, 深知主有恩典必甘願扶助,安慰引導我們直到見天父。
1.When up-on life's bil-lows you are tem-pest-tossed, When you are dis-cour-aged, think-ing all is lost, Count your man-y bless-ings, name them one by one, And it will sur-prise you what the Lord hath done. Count your bless-ings, name them one by one; Count your bless-ings, see what God hath done; Count your bless-ings, name them one by one; Count your man-y bless-ings, see what God hath done.
2.Are you ev-er bur-dened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heav-y you are called to bear? Count your man-y bless-ings, ev-'ry doubt will fly, And you will be sing-ing as the days go by.
3.When you look at oth-ers with their lands and gold, Think that Christ has prom-ised you His wealth un-told; Count your man-y bless-ings, mon-ey can-not buy Your re-ward in heav-en, nor your home on high.
4.So, a-mid the con-flict, wheth-er great or small, Do not be dis-cour-aged, God is o-ver all; Count your man-y bless-ings, an-gels will at-tend, Help and com-fort give you to your jour-ney's end.