赞美诗歌谱:天上的榮光-Heavenly Sunlight (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Henry J. Zelley (1899)

作曲:George Harrison Cook (1899)

1.在我旅途中,榮光在前引,越渦深幽谷和眾山嶺; 主曾應許說:“我永不棄你,”神聖的應許,永不搖移。 天上的榮光,天上的榮光,照耀我魂間,榮耀無比! 哈利路亞!我心在歡跳,永唱此讚美,耶穌屬我。

2.陰影籠罩我,四面圍困我,無法遮蔽主面光引領; 祂就是真光,在祂無黑暗,緊靠祂身邊,歡然奔路。

3.榮耀明光中,歡樂真無窮,上行再上行,更近我家; 當我邊行走,邊讚美不停,祂愛的榮光,正在前引。

1.Walk-ing in sun-light, all of my jour-ney, o-ver the moun-tains, through the deep vale; Je-sus has said, "I'll nev-er for-sake thee," prom-ise di-vine that nev-er can fail. Heav-en-ly sun-light, heav-en-ly sun-light, flood-ing my soul with glo-ry di-vine: hal--le-lu-jah, I am re-joic-ing, sing-ing His prais-es, Je-sus is mine.

2.Shad-ows a-round me, shad-ows a-bove me, nev-er con-ceal my Sav-ior and Guide; He is the light, in Him is no dark-ness; ev-er I'm walk-ing close to His side.

3.In the bright sun-light, ev-er re-joic-ing, press-ing my way to man-sions a-bove; sing-ing His prais-es glad-ly I’m walk-ing, walk-ing in sun-light, sun-light of love.