赞美诗歌谱:稳固的根基-How Firm a Foundation (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Based on Isiah 43:1-5

作曲:Early American Melody

1.稳固的根基,为信徒已建立, 在神话语中,其稳固胜天地。 你既投靠主,如投到避难所, 神话就保证你永远是稳妥。

2.我与你同在,无需丧胆、恐惧, 因我是你神,仍是你的帮助; 我加力给你,助你站稳不移, 我公义能手,永远将你扶住。

3.我要带领你,经过深水、幽谷, 忧愁的水流,必不将你淹埋; 我必看顾你,苦难转为祝福, 在你受压时,使你圣别、开怀。

4.你被试炼时,我要为你开路, 足够的恩典,要作你的帮助; 火不至伤你,它只烧去杂物, 我安排这火,要将精金炼出。

5.凡靠在我怀寻求安息之人, 我必不撇弃,将他给他仇敌; 阴府的全军,虽想摇动这魂, 但我必永不、永不将他丢弃!

1.How firm a foun-da-tion, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in God's ex-cel-lent Word What more can be said than to you God hath said, To you who for ref-uge to Je-sus have fled?

2.Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dis-mayed, For I am thy God, and will still give thee aid; I'll strength-en thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Up--held by my right-eous, om-nip-o-tent hand.

3.When through the deep wa-ters I call thee to go, The riv-ers of sor-row shall not o-ver-flow; For I will be near thee, thy trou-bles to bless, And sanc-ti-fy to thee thy deep-est dis-tress.

4.When through fier-y tri-als thy path-way shall lie, My grace, all suf-fi-cient, shall be thy sup-ply; The flame shall not hurt thee; I on-ly de-sign Thy dross to con-sume, and thy gold to re-fine.

5.The soul that on Je-sus hath leaned for re-pose, I will not, I will not de-sert to its foes; That soul, though all hell should en-deav-or to shake, I'll nev-er, no, nev-er, no, nev-er for-sake.