作词:Arabella Katherine Hankey (1834-1911)
作曲:William Gustavus Fischer (1835-1912)
1.我愛傳揚主福音,傳揚天上事情, 傳揚耶穌的慈愛,傳揚耶穌光榮。 我愛傳揚主福音,因這福音是真, 它能滿足我渴望,遠超世間金銀。 我愛傳揚主福音,歷久常新的福音, 傳揚耶穌的慈愛,傳揚主救罪人。
2.我愛傳揚主福音,因它奇妙非常, 勝過一切黃金夢,勝過千般奇想。 我愛傳揚主福音,主寶血為我流, 因此我今傳給你,願你也得拯救。
3.我愛傳揚主福音,越傳越覺歡心, 每次從頭說一遍,倍覺甘甜清新。 我愛傳揚主福音,因有多人未聞, 聖經中寶貴應許:慈愛赦罪救恩。
4.我愛傳揚主福音,已信福音的人, 仍願與他人同聽,滿足飢渴的心。 將來在榮美天家,唱新歌至萬代, 仍是那古舊福音,是我當初所愛。
1.I love to tell the sto--ry of un-seen things a-bove, Of Je-sus and His glo-ry, of Je-sus and His love; I love to tell the sto-ry, be-cause I know 'tis true, It sat-is-fies my long-ings as noth-ing else would do. I love to tell the sto-ry, 'Twill be my theme in glo-ry, To tell the old, old sto-ry Of Je-sus and His love.
2.I love to tell the sto--ry, more won-der-ful it seems Than all the gold-en fan-cies of all our gold--en dreams; I love to tell the sto-ry, it did so much for me, And that is just the rea-son I tell it now to thee.
3.I love to tell the sto--ry, 'tis pleas-ant to re-peat, What seems each time I tell it more won-der-ful--ly sweet; I love to tell the sto-ry, for some have nev-er heard The mes-sage of sal-va-tion from God's own ho-ly Word.
4.I love to tell the sto--ry, for those who know it best Seem hun-ger-ing and thirst-ing to hear it like the rest; And when in scenes of glo-ry I sing the new, new song, 'Twill be the old, old sto-ry that I have loved so long.