赞美诗歌谱:我是个罪人蒙主恩-Only A Sinner Saved By Grace (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:James Martin Gray (1851-1935)

作曲:Daniel Brink Towner (1850-1919)

1.一切我所有,无非是接受; 全是恩所赐,在我信之后; 所以不自夸,也不自尊, 我是一个罪人蒙主恩! 我是个罪人蒙主恩! 我是个罪人蒙主恩! 这是我身分,荣耀归给神, 我是个罪人蒙主恩!

2.从前我愚昧,罪恶辖我心, 使我的脚步完全远离神; 今被主寻回,能不欢欣? 现今是个罪人蒙主恩!

3.流泪有何用,功行有何效? 若非神怜悯,灭亡怎能逃? 前我因有罪,不敢近神, 现今是个罪人蒙主恩!

4.我爱我救主,心中乐欢腾, 我这蒙恩人不能不说明; 让我再说明用尽声音 我是一个罪人蒙主恩!

1.Naught have I gotten but what I received; Grace hath bestowed it since I have believed; Boasting excluded, pride I abase; I'm only a sinner, saved by grace Only a sinner, saved by grace Only a sinner, saved by grace This is my story, to God be the glory— I'm only a sinner, saved by grace

2.Once I was foolish, and sin ruled my heart, Causing my footsteps from God to depart; Jesus hath found me, happy my case; I now am a sinner, saved by grace

3.Tears unavailing, no merit had I; Mercy had saved me, or else I must die; Sin had alarmed me fearing God's face; But now I'm a sinner saved by grace

4.Suffer a sinner whose heart overflows, Loving his Savior to tell what he knows; Once more to tell it would I embrace— I'm only a sinner saved by grace