作词:Andrae Crouch (1942-2015)
作曲:Andrae Crouch (1942-2015)
当如何诉说你为我成就的事情? 我何等不配,但你却用爱向我显明; 虽然有千万天使歌颂,仍难表达我的感恩。 我今愿意将一切所有的,完全都归于你。 荣耀归于真神,荣耀归于真神,荣耀归于真神,因祂成就大事。 祂流血,救我性命;祂能力,使我复兴;荣耀归于真神,因祂成就大事。 愿我活着生命讨主的喜悦,听主令;一切荣耀和赞美,都归于加略山顶。 祂流血,救我性命;祂能力,使我复兴;荣耀归于真神,因祂成就大事。
How can I say thanks For the things You have done for me? Things so un-de-served, Yet You gave to prove Your love for me; The voi-ces of a mil-lion an-gels Could not ex-press my grat-i-tude. All that I am and ev-er hope to be; I owe it all to Thee. To God be the glo-ry, To God be the glo-ry, To God be the glo-ry, For the things He has done. With His blood He has saved me; With His pow'r He has raised me; To God be the glo-ry For the things He has done. Just let me live my life Let it be pleas-ing, Lord to Thee; And if I gain an-y praise, Let it go to Cal-va-ry. With His blood He has saved me; With His pow'r He has raised me; To God be the glo-ry For the things He has done.