赞美诗歌谱:我要歌颂我的救主-I Will Sing of My Redeemer (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Philip P. Bliss 1878

作曲:James McGranahan, 1840-1907

1.我要歌颂我的救主, 因祂奇妙的大爱; 在十架上祂曾受苦, 为释放我,祂受害。 唱,哦,唱我的救赎主, 用宝血祂买了我, 在十架上免我罪过, 还清罪债,使我活。

2.我要宣扬奇妙故事, 我所失去祂赎回; 因着祂的慈爱、怜恤, 祂将赎价白赐给。

3.我要夸耀我的救主, 得胜大能永唱吟; 胜过罪恶、死亡、阴府; 这得胜今是我分。

4.我要歌颂我的救主, 属天之爱祂已赐; 祂已使我从死复苏, 同神儿子作后嗣。

1.I will sing of my Re-deem-er, And His won--drous love to me; On the cru-el cross He suf-fered, From the curse to set me free. Sing, oh, sing of my Re-deem-er, With His blood He pur--chased me, On the cross He sealed my par-don, Paid the debt, and made me free.

2.I will tell the won--drous sto-ry, How my lost es-tate to save, In His bound-less love and mer-cy, He the ran--som free--ly gave.

3.I will praise my dear Re-deem-er, His tri-um--phant pow'r I'll tell, How the vic-to-ry He giv-eth O--ver sin, and death, and hell.

4.I will sing of my Re-deem-er, And His heav'n--ly love to me; He from death to life hath brought me, Son of God with Him to be.