作词:Samuel Medley, 1738-1799
作曲:William Caldwell, 19th century
1.我要虔心称赞救主, 祂大功劳不能胜数, 因祂为我流血献祭, 这大恩惠,当怎爱惜。 这大恩惠,这大恩惠, 这大恩惠,白白支取。
2.我陷罪中祂看见我, 知我将受地狱之苦, 祂即甘心为我舍命, 这大恩惠,当怎爱惜。 这大恩惠,这大恩惠, 这大恩惠,丰富无比。
3.魔鬼设计害我灵魂, 耶稣一见爱心激发, 用大权柄败我仇敌, 这大恩惠,当怎爱惜。 这大恩惠,这大恩惠, 这大恩惠,壮大无比。
4.今世或有患难逼迫, 或走或坐主必保佑, 在我面前引我脚步, 这大恩惠,当怎爱惜。 这大恩惠,这大恩惠, 这大恩惠,长流不止。
1.A-wake, my soul, to joy-ful lays, And sing thy great Re-deem-er's praise; He just-ly claims a song for me, His lov-ing-kind-ness, oh, how free Lov-ing-kind-ness, lov-ing-kind-ness, His lov-ing-kind-ness, oh, how free
2.He saw me ru-ined in the fall, Yet loved me not-with-stand-ing all; He saved me from my lost es-tate, His lov-ing-kind-ness, oh, how great Lov-ing-kind-ness, lov-ing-kind-ness, His lov-ing-kind-ness, oh, how great
3.Though nu-m'rous hosts of might-y foes, Though earth and hell my way op-pose, He safe-ly leads my soul a-long, His lov-ing-kind-ness, oh, how strong Lov-ing-kind-ness, lov-ing-kind-ness, His lov-ing-kind-ness, oh, how strong
4.When trou-ble like a gloom-y cloud, Has gath-ered thick and thun-dered loud, He near my soul has al-ways stood, His lov-ing-kind-ness, oh, how good Lov-ing-kind-ness, lov-ing-kind-ness, His lov-ing-kind-ness, oh, how good