作词:曾祥怡 Grace Tseng
作曲:曾祥怡 Grace Tseng
全心感谢,全心赞美,进入祢的院。 全心颂赞,献上为祭,是嘴唇的果子。 在祢里面,一无挂虑,喜乐满溢。 常常感谢,不住祷告,盼望在于祢。 我要全心赞美,跳舞颂扬祢名, 在祢殿中一日胜过在世上千日。 我要全心赞美,赞美还要赞美不停, 义人棚里欢呼声永不息。
With all my heart, I will give thanks and en-ter Your court. Of-fer-ing my praise to You, Lord; it's the fruit of my lips. In Your pres--ence, free of wor--ries, joy o-ver-flows, Al-ways grate--ful, al-ways pray--ing, my hope is in You My heart will praise You, Lord. I'll dance be-fore Your throne. One day with You is bet-ter than a thou-sand else-where. My heart will praise You, Lord. I'll nev-er stop prais-ing Your name. The right-eous will de-clare Your vic-to-ry