作曲:Karen Lafferty
你們要先求祂的國,和求祂的義, 這些東西都要加給你們,哈利路,哈利路亞。
你們祈求就給你們,尋找就尋見, 叩門就給你們開門,哈利路,哈利路亞。
你們要專心仰賴祂,不靠己聰明, 一切事上都要認定祂,哈利路,哈利路亞。
Seek ye first the king-dom of God and His right-eous-ness, And all these things shall be add-ed un-to you, Al-le-lu, al-le-lu-ia
Ask and it shall be giv-en un-to you, Seek and ye shall find, Knock and the door shall be o-pened un-to you, Al-le-lu, al-le-lu-ia
Man shall not live by bread a-lone, But by ev-'ry word That pro-ceeds out from the mouth of God. Al-le-lu, Al-le-lu-ia