赞美诗歌谱:獻上感恩的心-Give Thanks (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Henry Smith

作曲:Henry Smith

獻上感恩的心,歸給聖潔真神; 因祂賜下獨生子主耶穌基督。(獻)督。 如今軟弱者能變剛強, 貧窮者成為富足, 都因為主為我成就大事。(如)事。 贊美。感謝。

Give thanks with a grate-ful heart, give thanks to the Ho-ly One; Give thanks be-cause He's giv-en Je-sus Christ. His Son. (Give) Son. And now let the weak say. "I am strong." let the poor say. "I am rich" be-cause of what the Lord has done for us; (And) us. Give us. Give thanks.