赞美诗歌谱:献上活祭-My Living Sacrifice (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Leila Hamrat

作曲:Claude Fraysse

1.我心切切渴慕你,主,我要緊緊跟隨你, 你恩典與慈愛永無止息,你信實直到永遠, 我王我的神,因你奇妙聖名,獻上我的讚美。 耶穌!主耶穌!求用我一生, 耶穌!主耶穌!求用我一生。

2.我心深深向你敬拜,我靈渴慕你榮光, 我完全相信你寶貴應許,我在你懷中安息。 我要向世人歌唱你的恩典,直到我見你面。

1.My heart longs for you, my Sav-iour; I would fol-low You, my Lord. Your kind-ness and love are vast as the skies; Your faith-ful-ness nev-er dies. My God and my King, Your great Name I sing; My off-er-ing of praise I bring. Je-sus, O Je-sus, I give You my life; Je-sus, O Je-sus, I give You my life.

2.My soul con-tem-plates Your glo-ry, I wor-ship in Ho-ly awe. In qui-et-ness and in con-fi-dent trust, I rest in all that You are. I'll sing to the world Your glo-ry and grace, Un-til I be-hold Your face.