作词:Thomas Olivers(1725-1799)
作曲:From a Hebrew melody
1.亚伯拉罕的神,在天统治万民, 古今将来万世之宗,仁爱真神; 自有永有的神,天上地下同尊, 我今低头赞美圣名,永世无尽。
2.亚伯拉罕的神,我遵从你旨意, 超越世俗寻求圣手,所赐福祉; 地上权势名利,一切俗事抛弃, 主为我的盾牌高台,福杯满溢。
3.主曾赐下应许,我倚靠这应许, 我必如鹰展翅上腾,上达天宇; 亲眼见主圣容,崇敬我主权能, 高声颂主奇妙恩典,直到永恒。
4.天上快乐众军,大家一致同声, 赞美圣父圣子圣灵,歌颂不停; 我愿随同天军,赞美天上父神, 独一主宰全权全能,永受称颂。
1.The God of A-braham praise, who reigns en-throned a-bove; An-cient of Ev-er-last-ing Days, and God of Love; Je-ho-vah, great I AM by earth and heav'n con-fessed; I bow and bless the sa-cred name for-ev-er blest.
2.The God of A-braham praise, at whose su-preme com-mand from earth I rise and seek the joys at his right hand. I all on earth for-sake, its wis-dom, fame, and pow'r, and him my on-ly por-tion make, my shield and tow'r.
3.He by Him-self hath sworn, I on his oath de-pend; I shall, on ea-gles' wings up-borne, to heav'n as-cend. I shall be-hold his face, I shall his pow'r a-dore, and sing the won-ders of his grace for-ev-er-more.
4.The good-ly land I see, with peace and plen-ty blest, a land of sa-cred li-ber-ty and end-less rest. There milk and hon-ey flow, and oil and wine a-bound, and trees of life for-ev-er grow, with mer-cy crowned.
5.There dwells the Lord our King, the Lord our Right-eous-ness, tri-um-phant o'er the world and sin, the Prince of Peace. On Zi-on's sa-cred height his king-dom he main-tains, and glo-rious with his saints in light for-ev-er reigns.
6.The whole tri-um-phant host gives thanks to God on high; "Hail, Fa-ther, Son, and Ho-ly Ghost" they ev-er cry. Hail, A-braham's God and mine I join the heav'n-ly lays; all might and maj-es-ty are Thine, and end-less praise.