赞美诗歌谱:要告訴耶穌-I Must Tell Jesus (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Elisha Albright Hoffman (1839-1929)

作曲:Elisha Albright Hoffman (1839-1929)

1.我一切苦楚,要告訴耶穌, 我不能獨自擔當重負; 我在患難中主親手攙扶, 屬主的兒女主常看顧。 要告訴耶穌!要告訴耶穌! 我不能獨自擔當重負; 要告訴耶穌!要告訴耶穌! 惟有主耶穌祂能幫助。

2.我一切難處,要告訴耶穌, 祂是我良友慈愛溫柔; 我若向祂求祂必定拯救, 主解決難處主解我憂。

3.當試探來臨,我需要救主, 祂能幫助我擔當重負; 我要告訴主要告訴耶穌, 惟有主耶穌看顧保護。

4.黑暗的世界,罪惡極深重, 我心靈脆弱不能勝過! 我要告訴主祂能幫助我, 得勝世上的一切惡魔。

1.I must tell Je-sus all of my tri-als; I can-not bear these bur-dens a-lone; In my dis-tress He kind-ly will help me; He e-ver loves and cares for His own. I must tell Je-sus I must tell Je-sus I can-not bear my bur-dens a-lone; I must tell Je-sus I must tell Je-sus Je-sus can help me, Je-sus a-lone.

2.I must tell Je-sus all of my trou-bles; He is a kind, com-pas-sion-ate friend; If I but ask Him, He will de-liv-er, Make of my trou-bles quick-ly an end.

3.Temp-ted and tried, I need a great Sav-ior, One who can help my bur-dens to bear; I must tell Je-sus, I must tell Je-sus; He all my cares and sor-rows will share.

4.O how the world to e-vil al-lures me O how my heart is temp-ted to sin I must tell Je-sus, and He will help me O-ver the world the vic-t'ry to win.