作词:Anna B. Warner
作曲:William B. Bradbury
1.耶稣爱我!我知道, 因有圣经告诉我, 凡小孩子主牧养, 我虽软弱主刚强。 主耶稣爱我 主耶稣爱我 主耶稣爱我有 圣经告诉我
2.耶稣爱我!永不变, 虽我软弱多疾病, 从今离罪得释放, 因主钉死十架上。
3.耶稣爱我!舍生命, 将我罪恶洗干净, 天堂恩门为我开, 让祂小孩走进来。
4.耶稣爱我!到永远, 一生道路主陪伴, 主既为我罪舍命, 活着愿荣耀主名。
1.Je-sus loves me This I know, For the Bi-ble tells me so; Lit-tle ones to Him be-long, They are weak but He is strong. Yes, Je-sus loves me Yes, Je-sus loves me Yes, Je-sus loves me The Bi-ble tells me so.
2.Je-sus loves me loves me still, Tho' I'm ver-y weak and ill; That I might from sin to free, Bled and died, up-on the tree.
3.Je-sus loves me He who died, Hea-ven's gate to o-pen wide; He will wash a-way my sin, Let His lit-tle child come in.
4.Je-sus loves me He will stay Close be-side me all the way; Thou hast bled and died for me, I will hence-forth live for Thee.