作词:Samuel Trevor Francis, 1834-1925
作曲:Thomas John Williams, 1869-1944
1.耶穌大愛深不可測,廣不可量,寬無邊! 滾滾尤如遼闊海洋,如眾水將我身淹, 在上遮蓋,四圍環繞,在主愛中得安祥; 引導前行,走向天家,安息在榮耀天上!
2.耶穌大愛深不可測,走遍四方,去傳揚! 他有慈愛長久的愛,永不改變亙古長! 主眼看顧他的兒女,捨身向他們呼召; 親自代禱,時常關照,從寶座上顯榮耀!
3.耶穌大愛深不可測,愛中之愛,愛無量! 賜福眾多大過海洋,是避難所有安祥! 耶穌大愛深不可測,遠超太空天上天; 將我高舉,在榮耀中,歌頌讚美到永遠!
1.O the deep, deep love of Je sus, vast, un mea sured, bound less, free Rolling as a mighty o cean in its full ness o ver me Under neath me, all a round me, is the current of thy love leading onward, leading home ward, to that glo rious rest above
2.O the deep, deep love of Je sus, spread his praise from shore to shore How he loves us, ever loves us, changes ne ver, ne vermore How he watches o'er his loved ones, died to call them all his own; how for them he's inter ce ding, watching o'er them from the throne
3.O the deep, deep love of Je sus, love of ev ery love the best 'Tis an ocean vast of bles sing, 'tis a ha ven sweet of rest O the deep, deep love of Jesus, 'tis a heaven of heavens to me; and it lifts me up to glo ry, for it lifts me up to thee