赞美诗歌谱:耶稣是否仍然看顾?-Does Jesus Care? (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Frank Ellsworth Graeff, 1901

作曲:Joseph Lincoln Hall

1.耶稣是否仍然看顾我, 当我心灵破碎时? 前途满荆棘,魔鬼来攻击, 主耶稣是否仍看顾? 祂必看顾,祂必看顾, 因祂同情我痛苦; 环境虽改变,人情虽有变, 但耶稣永远看顾。

2.耶稣是否仍然看顾我, 当黑云遮满天时? 意外的惊恐,难解的苦衷, 主耶稣是否仍看顾?

3.耶稣是否仍然看顾我, 当遇试探攻击时? 心中的苦况,朋友不同情, 主耶稣是否仍看顾?

4.耶稣是否仍然看顾我, 当疾病缠绕我时? 心中真难过,无人安慰我, 主耶稣是否仍看顾?

1.Does Jesus care when my heart is pained Too deep-ly for mirth or song, As the burdens press, and the cares distress And the way grows weary and long? Oh yes, He cares, I know He cares, His heart is touched with my grief; When the days are wear-y, the long nights drear y, I know my Savior cares.

2.Does Jesus care when my way is dark With a nameless dread and fear? As the daylight fades into deep night shades, Does He care enough to be near?

3.Does Jesus care when I've tried and failed To resist some temptation strong; When for my deep grief there is no relief, Though my tears flow all the night long?

4.Does Jesus care when I've said "goodbye" To the dear-est on earth to me, And my sad heart aches till it nearly breaks, Is it aught to Him? Does He see?