赞美诗歌谱:耶穌喜愛世上小孩-Jesus Loves the Little Children (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:C. Her­bert Wool­ston

作曲:George F. Root

1.耶穌喜愛世上小孩,世上所有的小孩, 無論紅黃黑白棕,都是耶穌心寶貝, 耶穌喜愛世上所有的小孩。

2.耶穌喜愛男女小孩,不論智愚都喜愛, 或是貧窮或富足,耶穌都一律看待, 耶穌喜愛世上所有的小孩。

3.耶穌喜愛世上小孩,瞎子、聾子祂都愛, 或是啞巴或瘸腿,各樣殘疾人在內, 耶穌喜愛世上所有的小孩。

4.讚美、榮耀歸主耶穌,因為祂不偏待人, 我要傳說耶穌名,這個喜信都當聽, 耶穌喜愛世上所有的小孩。

1.Je-sus loves the lit-tle chil-dren, All the chil-dren of the world. Red and yel-low, black and white, All are pre-cious in His sight, Je-sus loves the lit-tle chil-dren of the world.

2.Je-sus died for all the chil-dren, All the chil-dren of the world. Red and yel-low, black and white, All are pre-cious in His sight, Je-sus died for all the chil-dren of the world.

3.Je-sus rose for all the chil-dren, All the chil-dren of the world. Red and yel-low, black and white, All are pre-cious in His sight, Je-sus rose for all the chil-dren of the world.