我們敬拜祢,和平之君! 我們稱頌祢,明亮的晨星! 我們等候祢,再來的王! 我們仰望祢,公義的太陽! 耶穌!耶穌!永生神的兒子; 耶穌!耶穌!我的救贖主; 耶穌!耶穌!世界的光; 耶穌!耶穌!我心所盼望!
Lord, we wor-ship You, Might-y Prince of Peace We sing praise to You, Bright and Morn-ing Star How we long for You, O re-turn-ing King We will wait for You, Sun of Right-eous--ness Je--sus Je--sus Son of the Liv-ing God; Je--sus Je--sus My Re-deem-er, Lord; Je--sus Je--sus Light of the World; Je--sus Je--sus My hope is in You