赞美诗歌谱:耶稣,耶稣最爱救主-Oh Jesus, Jesus (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Frederick William Faber (1814-1863)

作曲:Arr. from Taubert by R. Kelso Carter, 1886

1.耶稣,耶稣,我的性命, 因为爱的缘故, 求原谅我,将你圣名, 日念千遍不住。 耶稣,耶稣,最爱救主, 无人无物与你比拟, 你的笑容是我欢喜, 我爱,爱你, 你,主。

2.我心爱你,不知如何 约束我的奇乐; 你爱有如一团热火, 使我心中火热。

3.因你是我一切一切、 我的倚靠、食粮、 我心"羡慕、"我身医药、 我魂永远力量。

4.烧、烧,哦爱,在我心怀, 日夜厉害的烧, 直至所有其他的爱 烧到无处可找。

5.暗中之光、忧中之乐、 天在地上开始; 耶稣,你是我爱、我歌, 有谁知你价值!

6.这爱将受什么限制? 要到那里停止? 进、进,我主,甘甜价值 今日远胜昨日。

1.O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord For-give me if I say, For evr-y love, Thy sac-red name A thousand times a day. O Jes-us, Lord, with me a-bide; I rest in Thee, what-e'er be-tide; Thy gra-cious smile is my re-ward; I love, I love Thee, Lord

2.I love Thee so I know not how My trans-ports to con-trol; They love is like a burn-ing fire Within my ver--y soul.

3.For Thou to me art all in all; My hon-or and my wealth; My heart's de-sire, my bod-y's strength, My soul's e-tern--al health.

4.Burn, burn, O love, within my heart, Burn fierce-ly night and day, Till all the dross of earth-ly loves Is burned, and burned a-way.

5.O light in dark-ness, joy in grief, O heav'n be-gun on earth; my Je-sus love, my trea-sure, who Can tell what Thou art worth?

6.What lim-it is there to this love? Thy flight, where wilt Thou stay? On, on our Lord is sweet-er far To-day than yes--ter-day.