赞美诗歌谱:一粒麦子-Unless A Seed (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:林婉容; Steven Ngai(翻译)


一粒麦子 它若不落在地里死了, 不论过了多少时候, 它仍旧是它自己。 它若愿意 让自己被掩埋被用尽, 就必结出许多子粒, 经历生命的奇蹟! 主,我愿意,主,我愿意! 让自己像种子落在地里, 失丧生命必反得生命! 主,我愿意,主,我愿意! 放下自以为应得的权利, 在我身上成就祢旨意! 呼召如此崇高, 种子何等渺小, 定睛标竿直跑, 必见神的荣耀!

Un-less a seed con-sents to fall in-to the field, Though all time can pass in wait-ing, The seed re-mains a-lone; If it con-sents to be used up, it's life to yield For the new life it's cre-at-ing; Soon a har -vest is grown It's my de -sire, Load, I de -sire To be a seed that falls in-to the field, Giv-ing up my life to live a -new It's my de -sire, Load, I de -sire All of my rights and my pride, I will yield To o-bey Your word and fol-low You. Load, as is Your call-ing, All of me I'm giv-ing; Like a seed I'm fall-ing, For Your glo-ry liv-ing