作词:Latin hymn, 12th cent. \n trans. J.M. Neale, 1851
作曲:Latin hymn, 13th cent.\n adapt. Thomas Helmore, 1854
1.以馬內利,懇求降臨,救贖釋放以色列民; 淪落異邦,寂寞傷心,引頸渴望神子降臨。 歡欣,歡欣,以色列民,以馬內利必定降臨。
2.耶西之杖,懇求降臨,撒但手中釋放子民; 地獄深處,拯救子民,使眾得勝死亡之墳。
3.清晨日光,懇求降臨,藉主降臨歡慰眾心; 衝破長夜幽暗陰沈,帶來光明驅散黑雲。
4.大衛之鑰,懇求降臨,為我眾人大開天門; 鋪平我眾登天路程,關閉人間痛苦路徑。
1.O come, O come, Emman uel, and ransom captive Is rael that mourns in lonely ex ile here until the Son of God appear. Rejoice Rejoice Emman uel shall come to you, O Is rael
2.O come, O Wisdom from on high, who ordered all things might ily to us the path of knowl edge show and teach us in its ways to go.
3.O come, O come great Lord of might, who to your tribes on Si nai's height in ancient times did give the law in cloud and majesty and awe.
4.O come, O Branch of Jes se's stem, unto your own and res cue them From depths of hell your peo ple save, and give them victory o'er the grave.