作词:Isaac Watts (1674-1748)
作曲:Ralph E. Hudson (1843-1901)
rolled a-way,
1.可嘆,我主流出寶血,甘願為我捨身。 忍受痛苦歷盡艱辛,救我卑微罪人。 在十架,在十架,我一見主恩光, 我心中罪孽重擔皆脫落, 在我主十架,我因信眼明亮, 如今我心常歡喜快樂。
2.我主受苦在十字架,為我所犯罪衍。 何等慈悲無量恩典,主愛廣大無邊。
3.當主基督造物的主,為人罪過身亡。 輝煌紅日也要隱藏,天地黑暗無光。
4.我雖流盡傷心眼淚,償還主愛的債。 只將身心獻為活祭,藉報救主大愛。
1.A-las, and did my Sav-ior bleed? And did my Sov-ereign die? Would He de-vote that sa-cred head For such a worm as I? At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light, And the bur-den of my heart rolled a-way, It was there by faith I re-ceived my sight, And now I am hap-py all the day
2.Was it for sins that I had done He groaned up-on the tree? A-maz-ing pi-ty grace un-known And love be-yond de-gree
3.Well might the sun in dark-ness hide, And shut His glo-ries in, When Christ, the might-y Mak-er, died For man, His crea-ture's sin.
4.Thus might I hide my blush-ing face While His dear cross ap-pears. Dis-solve my heart in thank-ful-ness, And melt mine eyes to tears.
5.But drops of grief can ne’er re-pay The debt of love I owe; Here, Lord, I give my-self a-way, 'Tis all that I can do.