1.在祂凡事都能,赐下穏妥安息; 在祂何等信实,供应从不止息; 今我无需挣扎,枉然耗尽己力; 何不向祂屈膝,信入在"我是"里; 凭信我今见祂,耶和华以罗欣; 成就一切在祂,显明在应许里! 显明在应许里!
2.交托我心所念,让祂前来成全; 立定根基建造,乃因是祂拣选; 信实是祂呼召,祂必成就完全; 所有善良事工,无不照祂所愿; 凭信我能望断,路途虽似遥远; 信心创始成终,一路亲自恩眷! 一路亲自恩眷!
3.仅只付以我力,深愿与祂同行; 欣然垂下双翼,让祂我里运行; 惟神叫他生长,抛却劳苦愁情; 再无盲目妄求,让祂亮光指引; 黑暗逝明光耀,祂赐目光视力; 异象明亮清晰,耶稣基督最亲! 耶稣基督最亲!
4.我心涌出赞美,赞祂显明智慧; 公义是祂途径,敬拜述其作为; 我心不再沉默,赞美为祭以馈; 因祂始终信实,亘古长存地位; 今献嘴唇果子,满溢馨香甘美; 赞美为祂宝座,我口发出赞美; 是,祂成就赞美!
1.In Him who's a--ble, Full rest and per-fect peace; In Him who's faith--ful, Sup-ply can nev-er cease. I need not strive now, Self-ef-fort, strength de-plete. But to Him I bow, In the "I Am" be-lieve. By faith I now see Him, Je-ho-vah, E-lo-him; Ful-fill-ing One He is, In all His prom-is-es. In all His prom-is-es.
2.Those on my heart, I give To Him who will per-fect, Ground, and es-tab--lish, For these are His e-lect. Faith-ful is He who calls Who al-so will com-plete The good work in them all, Noth-ing un-fin-ished leave. By faith I look a-way From change that seems half-way, But on faith’s Au-thor gaze, Per-fect-er, all the way. Per-fect-er, all the way.
3.I sim-ply give my strength To Him, co-op-er-ate, Drop-ping my wings at length To let Him op-er-ate. 'Tis He who caus-es growth, Not toil, strug-gle, strain, Nor strat-e-gies and goals, But let-ting His light reign. No dark-ness all is light; 'Tis He who gives the sight To see a vi-sion bright Of on-ly Je-sus Christ. Of on-ly Je-sus Christ.
4.I can-not help but praise, What wis-dom man-i-fest The right-ness of His ways I wor-ship and at-test. I can no more hold in My sac-ri-fice of praise, For He has faith-ful been, And will re-main al-ways. Fruit of my lips to Him, Now ov-er-flows the brim; His throne on praise is raised. Out of my mouth, I praise, Yes, He's per-fect-ed praise